© 2020 Jo Van den Driessche

Basic theory

Structure of this analysis

This work is based on analysis and approaches physics from a completely different view from what we are used to do. The analysis explains in a clear way the things which are in current physics confusing and misunderstood. Although analysis is never finished, basics are very well explained in this huge work. The complete analysis took more than 30 years and is very comprehensive. Therefore the analysis is split into 12 separated works + 1 extra one. The possible superstition of the number 13 is funny as the content of the 13th work is less pleasant. Each of the 13 works is done through deep analysis and contains so much new information that they actually became a work on its own. The ideas in each work are that revolutionary that it probably takes time to adapt to these new findings. The first works handle about basic things in physics. The basics might be less spectacular, however they are the most important. It is needed to read the works in their numeric order because later works are based on findings of the earlier works. The analysis is completed, however in my mother language. So I’m translating in English. It will take some time as I’m very busy in my occupation. Beneath you can find the links to the works as soon as they are available.

1. Zero point

In the first chapter, the zero point, or better zero points, are described. The concept of zero points actually forms the backbone for the Laws of Newton. In a simple comprehensive way, it is demonstrated that Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is wrong. These findings give surprising results as there are no limits in speed. Dutch version free on request English version free on request (picture = experiment of Michelson and Morley to find the zero point)

2. Light

In current science, light can be both particle and wave. All kind of light is listed in the electromagnetic spectrum. This analysis demonstrates that the electromagnetic spectrum actually is a collection of different things. Therefore the forces proven for the one kind cannot be applied to the other kind. The results change our view on the Universe. Dutch version free on request English version free on request (picture = the electromagnetic spectrum)

3. Basics in mathematics

Some basics in mathematics are taught wrong. Understanding these basics are essential to continue the analysis. Nothing can lead to an error, even dividing by zero means something. Endless (¥) is not a number. Nowadays it is often treated that way. Our mathematics needs to be enlarged with an extra sign and number to deal with the division by zero. Dutch version free on request English version free on request (picture = The Celtic cross bears the signs of endless evolutions)

4. Time

There has never been a profound analysis about what time really is. The Quantum theory is silent about time and the Theory of Relativity treats time as a mathematical variable. Understanding the basics of time is essential in order to understand the basic forces in physics. Analysis of time proves that we are not as free as we might think. Dutch version free on request English version free on request (picture = an antique clock)

5. Forces

What are forces really? The forces in current physics are largely known, however they are mostly assigned to particles who carry the force. This is a wrong way of looking at forces. The list of force particles can be eliminated. The new view on forces opens the gate to understand all forces. Dutch version not yet released English version pending (to be translated) (picture = Metal balls bouncing to each other)

6. Basic structure of matter

The string theory tries to find the basic structure in vibrating strings. Actually the strings should be replaced by vibrating balls. This analysis is the starting point to explain all elementary particles. One of the remarkable results is that the size of atoms might be much bigger than is thought. Dutch version not yet released English version pending (to be translated) (picture = the Geiger and Marsden experiment under the direction of Rutherford to find the mass of the gold atom)

7. The force mechanism

Just like the electronic operators in a microchip, there is a basic mechanism which lead to the forces. The forces create equilibriums on which the stable mass particles arise. The mass particles can be explained very well, however the current list of mass particles needs to be redesigned. At the end it becomes clear that one mass particle was still undiscovered. Dutch version not yet released English version pending (to be translated) (picture = The large Hadron collider of the CERN)

8. Movements

The forces are the cause that matter can have different kinds of movements. For example, in the past the matter’s spin was explained as being the direction of the rotating matter. However, there is a much better explanation for the spin. After knowing the different types of movements, the forces of the electromagnetic spectrum become clear as crystal. Dutch version not yet released English version pending (to be translated) (picture = the spin of an electron)

9. The atomic model

Applying the force mechanism on the basic matter, the atomic model can be explained. Even more, the atomic model looks to have an extra kind of material which is unknown by current science. Once we understand the atomic model in depth, we can go beyond the limits of current science. Dutch version not yet released English version pending (to be translated) (picture = The table of Mendeljev)

10. Steering forces

There exist forces that influence the movement of mass, like magnetism, gravitation and the electronegative force of atoms. Based on previous works, we explain the essence of electricity, magnetism, static electricity, etc. and discover some remarkable findings. Also the gravitational force need to be found in the movements of the smallest particles. Dutch version not yet released English version pending (to be translated) (picture = magnet with iron fillings)

11. Everlasting evolutions

What happened before the Big Bang? What lays behind the frontiers of Universe? These answers need no reply because everything has ever existed and the Universe is endless. It is wiser to find the evolutions between the different states of Milky Ways, and between stars and black holes. Dutch version not yet released English version pending (to be translated) (picture = Donut-shape around black hole)

12. The Earth

Also the Earth is in constant evolution. What are the big factors that have shaped the Earth as it is today? The continental drift, the changing atmosphere, the relation with the moon is subject to a deep analysis. And some findings might surprise you. Dutch version not yet released English version pending (to be translated) (picture = Pangea)

13. The precession cycle

(This last work is made in collaboration with my brother Kris.) Why were our ancestors obsessed by the stars, and why did they build these huge buildings for just observing the stars? What does the Zodiac really mean? The cause for the precession cycle is in great detail explained. The precession cycle hides a dark secret. Dutch version not yet released English version pending (to be translated) (picture = Dendera zodiac in the temple of Hathor)
© 2020 Jo Van den Driessche

Basic theory

Structure of this analysis

This work is based on analysis and approaches physics from a completely different view from what we are used to do. The analysis explains in a clear way the things which are in current physics confusing and misunderstood. Although analysis is never finished, basics are very well explained in this huge work. The complete analysis took more than 30 years and is very comprehensive. Therefore the analysis is split into 12 separated works + 1 extra one. The possible superstition of the number 13 is funny as the content of the 13th work is less pleasant. Each of the 13 works is done through deep analysis and contains so much new information that they actually became a work on its own. The ideas in each work are that revolutionary that it probably takes time to adapt to these new findings. The first works handle about basic things in physics. The basics might be less spectacular, however they are the most important. It is needed to read the works in their numeric order because later works are based on findings of the earlier works. The analysis is completed, however in my mother language. So I’m translating in English. It will take some time as I’m very busy in my occupation. Beneath you can find the links to the works as soon as they are available.

1. Zero point

In the first chapter, the zero point, or better zero points, are described. The concept of zero points actually forms the backbone for the Laws of Newton. In a simple comprehensive way, it is demonstrated that Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is wrong. These findings give surprising results as there are no limits in speed. Dutch version free on request English version free on request (picture = experiment of Michelson and Morley to find the zero point)

2. Light

In current science, light can be both particle and wave. All kind of light is listed in the electromagnetic spectrum. This analysis demonstrates that the electromagnetic spectrum actually is a collection of different things. Therefore the forces proven for the one kind cannot be applied to the other kind. The results change our view on the Universe. Dutch version free on request English version free on request (picture = the electromagnetic spectrum)

3. Basics in mathematics

Some basics in mathematics are taught wrong. Understanding these basics are essential to continue the analysis. Nothing can lead to an error, even dividing by zero means something. Endless (¥) is not a number. Nowadays it is often treated that way. Our mathematics needs to be enlarged with an extra sign and number to deal with the division by zero. Dutch version free on request English version free on request (picture = The Celtic cross bears the signs of endless evolutions)

4. Time

There has never been a profound analysis about what time really is. The Quantum theory is silent about time and the Theory of Relativity treats time as a mathematical variable. Understanding the basics of time is essential in order to understand the basic forces in physics. Analysis of time proves that we are not as free as we might think. Dutch version free on request English version free on request (picture = an antique clock)

5. Forces

What are forces really? The forces in current physics are largely known, however they are mostly assigned to particles who carry the force. This is a wrong way of looking at forces. The list of force particles can be eliminated. The new view on forces opens the gate to understand all forces. Dutch version not yet released English version pending (to be translated) (picture = Metal balls bouncing to each other)

6. Basic structure of matter

The string theory tries to find the basic structure in vibrating strings. Actually the strings should be replaced by vibrating balls. This analysis is the starting point to explain all elementary particles. One of the remarkable results is that the size of atoms might be much bigger than is thought. Dutch version not yet released English version pending (to be translated) (picture = the Geiger and Marsden experiment under the direction of Rutherford to find the mass of the gold atom)

7. The force mechanism

Just like the electronic operators in a microchip, there is a basic mechanism which lead to the forces. The forces create equilibriums on which the stable mass particles arise. The mass particles can be explained very well, however the current list of mass particles needs to be redesigned. At the end it becomes clear that one mass particle was still undiscovered. Dutch version not yet released English version pending (to be translated) (picture = The large Hadron collider of the CERN)

8. Movements

The forces are the cause that matter can have different kinds of movements. For example, in the past the matter’s spin was explained as being the direction of the rotating matter. However, there is a much better explanation for the spin. After knowing the different types of movements, the forces of the electromagnetic spectrum become clear as crystal. Dutch version not yet released English version pending (to be translated) (picture = the spin of an electron)

9. The atomic model

Applying the force mechanism on the basic matter, the atomic model can be explained. Even more, the atomic model looks to have an extra kind of material which is unknown by current science. Once we understand the atomic model in depth, we can go beyond the limits of current science. Dutch version not yet released English version pending (to be translated) (picture = The table of Mendeljev)

10. Steering forces

There exist forces that influence the movement of mass, like magnetism, gravitation and the electronegative force of atoms. Based on previous works, we explain the essence of electricity, magnetism, static electricity, etc. and discover some remarkable findings. Also the gravitational force need to be found in the movements of the smallest particles. Dutch version not yet released English version pending (to be translated) (picture = magnet with iron fillings)

11. Everlasting evolutions

What happened before the Big Bang? What lays behind the frontiers of Universe? These answers need no reply because everything has ever existed and the Universe is endless. It is wiser to find the evolutions between the different states of Milky Ways, and between stars and black holes. Dutch version not yet released English version pending (to be translated) (picture = Donut-shape around black hole)

12. The Earth

Also the Earth is in constant evolution. What are the big factors that have shaped the Earth as it is today? The continental drift, the changing atmosphere, the relation with the moon is subject to a deep analysis. And some findings might surprise you. Dutch version not yet released English version pending (to be translated) (picture = Pangea)

13. The precession cycle

(This last work is made in collaboration with my brother Kris.) Why were our ancestors obsessed by the stars, and why did they build these huge buildings for just observing the stars? What does the Zodiac really mean? The cause for the precession cycle is in great detail explained. The precession cycle hides a dark secret. Dutch version not yet released English version pending (to be translated) (picture = Dendera zodiac in the temple of Hathor)